When I first began this blog, I started it as a class project, thinking I would dedicate it only to art, the art world, and my on work. I failed to grasp that, perhaps, if I am truly to discuss what art is about, I would have to embrace the fact that I am an artist as well, and have my own opinions, thoughts, and philosophies and that these would invariably disclose themselves over time. I wanted to be objective, to be the sideline commentator and act as a resource, not like the opinionated woman I am. However, this cannot be the case. Even in calling Rafael Lozano-Hemmer's piece spiritual, for instance, I created my own meaning for the piece. After hearing him speak personally about his piece, it became clear that any spiritual connotations were not intended. Rather, Hemmer had hoped only that the piece,
Pulse Spiral, would be interesting visually and as a piece of technology that interacted nicely with its human participants. What the viewer took away was supposed to be optional, given the individual. I, however, presented my findings like facts, as if this as the true and only intention for the piece, even if that was not my intention.
So, in light of this revelation, I am going to start posting some thoughts, philosophies, and other material that is related to what I perceive art to be about. I will continue to post articles, information, interviews, and any other supportive material which will either support or contradict my claims. I will still report on my findings as objectively as possible, but interspersed among these findings will be my opinions. I suppose that is the nature of the beast.
This article, in following its title, will be about the Art of Understanding.
Artists have manifested in many forms for many reasons for many years. The precedent for any incoming, new artist is great. You have to compete with all the old masters, the modernists, and the new emerging crowd, with their fresh ideas and even new definitions of what art truly is. I will not go into a long, lengthy art history discussion. Chances are, if you are reading about art, you already know a bit about it, or at least interested enough to learn more. If you do want to know more, and aren't sure where to start, feel free to leave a comment and ask for clarification; I'd be happy to give you a brief overview and/ or direct you to some awesome reading material.
This actually brings me to my point. Why is it that people interested in art are the only ones interested in art? Is it because of the fact that when others think about art, they think of men in stuffy coats staring out at them oddly realistically? Is this not appealing? Or is it because they think about what artists are calling art today and think it's stupid as hell? In my own findings, I find that it's both. People feel just as disconnected from the men in stuffy coats, staring at them from a time long since past, with little relevance to today's world other than standing as a monument to human history, as they do to today's artists, who throw paint on the passerby, calling them names and then calling their project art. How do you, as an artist, explain this phenomenon to the common man? The person who, in fact, you are trying to make an impression on? Aren't these the people that matter, that want insight, that seek it? Aren't hese the people that watch the news, hoping to gain at least some footing on what the hell is going on in the world, who crave to be in the know? Aren't these the "ignorant masses" who need "culture" in order to educate themselves? Yes, of course they are. This is the information world, the time and place where everything is supposed to become like an open book; you just need to flip to the right page in order to find the answers you seek.
Well, how do you make your form of communication relevant? The problem stands that, in order to really explain the people throwing paint, you have to explain the entirety of art history in a concise, yet accessible way, to provide both meaning, understanding, and relevance. You have to explain all the questions that artist's ask themselves when making a piece, and talk about how the answers to these questions manifest in their execution. Then it all has to boil down to: Yes, throwing paint on people is relevant to life, this is why.
Of course, how do you make this accessible? People just get pissed off. Those who understand/ love this kind of art don't understand how everyone can't understand/ love this art. If they do understand why the common man doesn't get it, they either dismiss Him (uppercase, as it is a collective whole) as ignorant, and unworthy, or they puzzle over it, and think, well, how do I solve that disconnection?
It's the latter question I'm more interested in. How do you solve the disconnect? I think it is really easy to just throw out opinions of those we deem "unworthy". The problem is, they are worthy, they're probably the people who would get the most out of it if they just knew what was going on. One of my fellow classmates put it perfectly. "Artists are philosophers who need visual aids." This is fantastic! (Thanks, Jessica!) The thing is, she's summed it up perfectly. Throughout history, each and every artist was working out of a philosophy they endeavored to, what I would call, mortalize. Not a word, mind you. The thing is, when you create something, you give an idea life. If you do it successfully, people can relate to it (or at least that's the idea!). It's not just portrait painting, it's not just some stuffy looking dude in a coat, if the glorification of that stuffy guy! He was painted at a time where people were still glorifying mankind, and prettying them up, and making them the idealistic version of man.
The people throwing the paint, however, are trying to make a statement about the use of animals, abuse of animals, and/ or that anything can be art, simply because it is touched by the hand of a so-called "artist". It's a performance piece, really, which these days can constitute as a work of art. A little confusing, hence...
My proposition! Why not make art more relatable (also not a word)? I think there needs to be a breaking down of the current pretension walls. I think there is too much hype, and not enough thought. There needs to be thought, dedicated specifically to who is looking at this stuff. It's not just other artists, or at least, one hopes it's not just other artists. Ideally, you want everyone to be interested, not just you click. So, I think there needs to be some constructive thought on how you make art more interesting and informative to your average joe, because, let's face it, he's important, too, and deserves your attention. After all, it's for his that philosophy is written, so that he may become enlightened, and therefore, a better human being. Isn't that the point of philosophy? For betterment?
Artists that I think do this to some extent:
Michael Scoggins,
Luke Murphy,
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer,
Elizabeth Peyton,
Paula Rego, and
Glenn Brown (if for no other reason than for sheer badassery, and awesome technical skills. Obsession, much)